1 heavily reduced .ie domain or 1 free domain name (choose from .eu, .de and 3 more). Other domains from only 5.90 €/domain/year, add as many domains & subdomains as you like, choose any domain name provider
50 GB disk space (expandable up to 1 TB total disk space, additional GB 0.09 €/month)
Add an unlimited number of websites, redirects & domains to your server for free!
Unlimited web server traffic (traffic flatrate)
Alma Linux, Apache 2.x with mod_rewrite, .htaccess …
Configure your databases to become accessible for localhost only, for specific other or all other computers
Daily free MySQL database dump
PHP & other tools for content management
PHP 7.4.33, 8.0.30, 8.1.31 , 8.2.27 & 8.3.17 (freely selectable, can be changed by you at any time), all standard modules available, uploads & URL includes allowed, 512 MB RAM/PHP script
GDLib & ImageMagick
Use individual .htaccess files
Supports individual error pages, e.g. "404 Not Found"
Wordpress ready
Joomla ready
Drupal ready
Redaxo ready
Oxid eshop ready
xt:Commerce ready (including the Community Edition)
Compatible with practically any other common online shop software packages and any common content management system
Woltlab discussion forum software ready
Compatible with many other discussion forum software packages
More than 60 appliations installable from ready-to-go installation respositories without the need of separate downloads
Trust center signed SSL certificate of the host domain with which control panel, mail and FTP access from and to your corporate or home office computers are encrypted.
Your own SSL/TLS certificate for your domain, so that you can offer your visitors a tap-proof, encrypted (https://) connection to your website.
Business Booster with one free domain name (choose from .eu, .de and 3 more). Other domains from only 5.90 €/domain/year, 50 GB disk space & features as described above (e.g. unlimited databases, PHP, SSL/TLS, free support …) 4.15 € /month
Free set-up
100 days test without payment7
Upgradeable at any time
Terminable monthly with a notice period of only four weeks
50 GB included, per additional GB 0.09 € /month
An unlimited number of domains, subdomains, websites and redirects
"Fast Web Space": fast web space, powerful web server, super fast webserver, optimized web servers: fast hosting / strong web server (fast web space). Web server for search engine optimized (SEO) websites and business websites (powerful company website server) / webspace for shops.